Netgear Wireless N300 Router

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Jual Netgear Wireless N300 Router menjual Netgear Wireless N300 Router dengan harga murah kompetitif dan bergaransi resmi serta ready stock.

Spesifikasi detail Netgear Wireless N300 Router :

  • 10/100 Internet port to connect to broadband Internet with high transfer speeds
  • Four 10/100 LAN ports to connect wired devices for high-speed online activities
  • Latest Wireless N technology for increased speed and range, plus Repeater Mode to extend the reach of your existing wireless network Security
  • NAT Firewall to control traffic and prevent exploits and intrusions
  • Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) to quickly and securely add devices to your network
  • WPA/WPA2 encryption to secure your wireless traffic Ease of Use
  • Web browser-based setup and configuration
  • Setup wizard to guide you through the configuration process

8 Alasan kenapa beli Netgear Wireless N300 Router di :

  1. Alamat kantor jelas beserta no.telp nya.
  2. Berbadan hukum PT dan bukan perseorangan ataupun individu
  3. Semua Produk yang di jual bergaransi resmi dari distributor
  4. Free konsultasi dengan Account Manager berpengalaman dan dukungan Technical Support Bersertifikasi International
  5. Tersedia produk untuk Trial before Buy / Proof of Concept
  6. Terdaftar sebagai Anggota Asosiasi E-Commerce Indonesia (IDEA)
  7. Jaminan Harga Kompetitif
  8. Gratis Ongkos kirim untuk wilayah Pulau Jawa dan Sekitarnya

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  • +62-21-5819986

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